Trying To Figure It Out?

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Life should be simple

My goal is to help those in the unsettled emerging adulthood years live life to the fullest, find meaning, and connect with others in similar experiences.  

Find your place

The world is moving fast and society expects a lot. It can feel daunting trying to find your place in all of it and keeping up. You are not alone. Being and becoming an adult is harder than ever. I specialize in helping Millennials and Gen-z’s, find their place and pace while setting a firm foundation for their futures.

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What I offer:

Marital Skills

Dr. Shira is experienced in helping individuals to bring their best selves into their marriages and to nurture those relationships as they grow over time. In the unfortunate last resort if marriage reconciliation fails, she has specialized expertise in the sensitive process of divorce.

Individual Therapy

Life brings challenging circumstances, and we all hit bumps in the road. Dr. Shira can help you with a wide range of difficulties that arise in individual therapy. See the FAQ section for more details on what types of challenges Dr. Shira can help you with.

Business Coaching

Our emotional and relational selves shape and underpin our professional lives. Dr. Shira coaches business professionals and executives to develop leadership and other career enhancing skills. Engaging Dr. Shira can help you deal with work-life balance issues and guide you on the path to a more lucrative, successful business presence.

Maturity Development

Becoming an adult is hard. Dr. Shira has built a specialty around the life stage of emerging adulthood, usually defined as spanning between the ages of 18-29. She has done extensive research on struggles that typically confront people in this important developmental life stage, and has worked with many emerging adults.

Personal Growth

Working on personal growth can prevent issues that might otherwise come up without the self-reflection and self-development process. Dr. Shira can help with personal growth no matter what stage you are in or whether you are currently experiencing troubles or not.

Clinical Supervision

Dr. Shira offers clinical supervision to other therapists, both on an individual level and through her clinical director roles, including at the Advenium group therapy organization and at the Derech Shalom Center, which provides marriage reconciliation and divorce counseling services. This can help you find your specialty and evolve into an expert therapist.